Key Engagement Terms, Policies & Disclaimer
Eleven Eight Advisory Pty Ltd - Key Policies & Disclaimer
Eleven Eight Advisory Pty Ltd and 11eight (business name) is a specialist Strategy, Innovation, and Insurance consultancy business. We work with a wide variety of businesses.
Eleven Eight Advisory Pty Ltd’s ABN is: 63 683 242 355
11eight is a registered business name.
Although we are a specialist small business, 11eight and its contractors take their legal, moral, ethical and risk management responsibilities seriously.
The information below provides an overview of key 11eight policies, practices and procedures. To make this information easy to find, we make it available on our website homepage. Unless stated otherwise, reference to 11eight also applies to Eleven Eight Advisory Pty Ltd and Eleven Eight Advisory.
11eight may review and amend these policies from time to time. Changes will be updated on the 11eight website.
If you require any more information or have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
As a specialist Strategy, Innovation and Insurance consultancy businesses we work with many clients including corporates, Financial Service Providers (e.g. General, Life and Health Insurers, Banks), Retailers, Energy Providers, Data Companies etc), governments, not-for -profits, charities and early-stage business. We are dedicated to ethical and fair competition.
11eight’s success is dependent on the trust and confidence we earn from our clients. We gain credibility by adhering to our commitments, displaying honesty and integrity and providing high quality, relevant insights and perspectives.
Our commitment to integrity begins with complying with laws, rules and regulations. This applies also to laws barring corruption and bribery. We don’t offer or take bribes or any other kind of financial inducement.
Before engaging with a client, we assess our forward work program to identify assignments that represent a conflict for 11eight. We seek to avoid situations or activity that we believe will impair our ability to provide independent, objective and quality advice.
It is important that we respect the property rights and confidentiality of our clients. We generally enter a confidentiality agreement when working with clients, and are bound by confidentiality and our integrity. You can contact us to request a copy of our Confidentiality Agreement.
11eight applies due care and attention in the preparation of the information, insights and perspectives provided to clients but does not warrant them. 11eight does not have the knowledge of our clients including, but not limited to, market knowledge, business performance, business capabilities, strategy and execution, operational processes and practices, business and management dynamics, Board and Executive requirements etc which inform its decisions and actions. The client accepts all risk associated with its own decisions and indemnifies 11eight (including its officers, employees, and contractors) from any liability as a result of any action or decisions made by the recipient that may be informed (directly or indirectly) by the information, insights and perspectives provided by 11eight.
Much of the content, articles, frameworks, tools and methodologies used and provided by 11eight during engagements are exclusively owned by and the IP of 11eight. They are not to be used, copied, applied or incorporated in other frameworks, tools or methodologies either wholly or partly without the express permission of 11eight.
11eight’s normal payment terms are 14 days from the provision of a valid invoice.
We are not a legal practice and do not provide legal advice. Where legal or regulatory considerations are relevant to work being undertaken by 11eight, it is the obligation of the client to secure its own legal advice and take due consideration of the advice in its decision making.
11eight does not advise on mergers or acquisition unless the client provides a full, complete and comprehensive waiver for all direct and indirect liabilities associated with the work for Eleven Eight Advisory, 11eight, its officers, employees and contractors.
Critical to the provision of superior information, insights and perspectives is the use of high calibre, experienced professionals. These professionals are contractors to 11eight for the purposes of the assignment, not employees. The contractors:
Are typically sole traders or companies with their own ABN
Are not apprentices, trainees, trades assistants or labourers
Can undertake to have others to do some or all of the work (provided they advise 11eight) and will be responsible for the work by that person, including paying them
Provide their own equipment, premises and materials
Are engaged and paid on a client by client, job by job basis
Are free to perform other work with other clients and not involving 11eight
Payroll Tax, Workers Compensation Insurance and Other insurance
11eight does not meet the wage threshold that requires it to pay payroll tax.
11eight does not normally meet the wage threshold for Workers Compensation insurance but holds the insurance where required.
11eight has Professional Indemnity and Broadform Liability insurance.
Copies of our insurance coverages can be requested.
All the information on our website is published in good faith and for general information purposes only. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information.
Much of the content, articles, frameworks, tools and methodologies used and provided by 11eight are exclusively owned by 11eight. They are not to be used, copied, applied or incorporated in other frameworks, tools or methodologies either wholly or partly without the express permission of 11eight.
Any action you take upon the information you find on our website is strictly and completely at your own risk. 11eight will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website or its contents or any action you choose to as a consequence of visiting
By using our website, you hereby consent to our disclaimer and agree to its terms including the use of cookies to provide you with a great experience and to help us run our website effectively.
11eight is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust, and accordingly maintains the following Privacy Policy regarding the personal information you provide online or by other means.
11eight requires that the clients do provide any information or data that contains personal information about the client’s customers, suppliers, partners or other agents.
11eight will not request personal information about the client’s customers, suppliers, partners or other agents.
Collection and Use of Information
11eight will not collect any personal information about you (such as your name, address, or telephone number) unless you provide it voluntarily. If you do not want us to have this information then please do not provide it.
11eight relies upon its suppliers including - Google, Squarespace, Microsoft, Apple, Bitdefender for the security features throughout the site, and in its is day-to-day operations, to prevent the unauthorized release of or access to any personal information provided to us.
11eight and its contractors use password access and two-factor authentication on devices.
Please be advised, however, that although 11eight has endeavoured to create a secure, reliable and secure environment by using reputable suppliers, the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted to or from 11eight via the 11eight website or other communication tools (e.g. email, SMS, shared drives) cannot be guaranteed. When disclosing any personal information, you should remain mindful of the fact that it is potentially accessible to the public, and consequently, can be collected and used by others without your consent. 11eight has no responsibility or liability for the security of information transmitted via the Internet or other channels.
Your Consent
11eight may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on this page. Your continued use of the 11eight website following the posting of changes to these terms will mean you accept these changes.
11eight acknowledges that while working with clients, some of the data and information provided and utilised may be confidential in nature. We are bound by confidentiality and generally enter a confidentiality agreement when working with all clients. You can contact us to request a copy of our Confidentiality Agreement.
11eight and its contractors are obliged to use password access and two-factor authentication on devices and have virus and security software on their devices.
Our preference when working with clients is to utilise the client’s shared drives for the provision and storage of data and confidential information. Where that is not possible, the client acknowledges and accepts that 11eight relies upon reputable suppliers - Google, Squarespace, Microsoft, Apple, Bitdefender - for storage and communication security during day-to-day operations to prevent the unauthorized release of or access to any confidential information provided to 11eight or generated by us.
Please be advised, however, that although 11eight has endeavoured to create a secure and reliable environment by using reputable suppliers and appropriate practices, the storage and confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted to or from 11eight via the 11eight site or other communication tools (e.g. email, SMS, shared drives) cannot be guaranteed. 11eight has no responsibility or liability for the security of stored information, or information transmitted via the Internet or other channels.
Although not required by law, 11eight Human Rights and Modern Slavery Statement is outlined below.
We strive to respect and promote the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in our relationships with our employees, suppliers and partners, through our actions and policies.
As such, we expect our suppliers, partners, contractors and clients to respect these values and avoid causing or contributing to human rights infringements through their business actions.
Our Supply Chain
11eight has a very simple supply chain. Our primary procurement expense is with contractors with negligible payments to subscription services provided by reputable companies such as Google, Apple and Microsoft.
Our contractors are Australian based and/or Australian citizens. They are highly experienced, well regarded business professionals. It is rare that they draw on other labour to support their work. They are aware of human rights and modern slavery issues and undertake their activities in accordance with the UN principles.
Should you have other questions or concerns about our policies, please contact us.
Getwebd Pty Ltd trading as 11eight ABN 30 155 507 761 (“11eight”) is a specialist Strategy, Innovation, and Insurance consultancy business. We work with a wide variety of businesses.
Although we are a specialist small business, 11eight and its contractors take their legal, moral, ethical and risk management responsibilities seriously.
The information below provides an overview of key 11eight engagement terms, policies, practices and procedures. To make this information easy to find, we make it available via our website homepage.
11eight may review and amend these policies from time to time. Changes will be updated on the 11eight website.
11eight Core values
Diversity - Value diversity in all its forms
Curiosity - Be curious and comfortable with ambiguity
Delivery - Get results and support our clients to deliver
Straight-forward - Value real, honest conversations and let people know
Respect - Value opinions and nurture different perspectives
As a specialist Strategy, Innovation and Insurance consultancy businesses we work with many clients including corporates, Financial Service Providers (e.g. General, Life and Health Insurers, Banks), Retailers, Energy Providers, Data Companies etc), governments, not-for -profits, charities and early-stage businesses. We are dedicated to ethical behaviour, and fair and vigorous competition.
11eight’s success is dependent on the trust and confidence we earn from our clients. We gain credibility by adhering to our commitments, displaying honesty and integrity and providing high quality, relevant insights and perspectives.
Our commitment to integrity begins with complying with laws, rules and regulations, including laws barring corruption and bribery: we don’t offer or take bribes or kickbacks from anyone.
Before engaging with a Client, we assess our forward work program to attempt to identify assignments that represent a conflict for 11eight. We seek to avoid situations or activity that we believe will impair our ability to provide independent, objective and quality advice.
It is important that we respect the property rights and confidentiality of our clients. We enter into a confidentiality agreement when working with all clients. This ensures customers know we are bound by confidentiality obligations whenever they interact with us. Potential clients can contact us to request a copy of our Confidentiality Agreement.
11eight has limited knowledge or understanding of the Clients’ business. Many factors will inform clients’ decisions and actions, and notwithstanding the fact that 11eight applies due care and attention in the preparation of the information, insights and perspectives it provides to its Clients, it cannot not warrant them. Given the dynamic nature of the market the Client should confirm that any statements made by 11eight are correct. We do not confirm or validate information provided to us by the Client or its representatives. The Client should conduct its own review of commercial impact before making any decisions that 11eight’s work may directly or indirectly inform.
We are not a legal, tax, compliance , regulatory or merger and acquisition practice. Our engagement and work should not be construed or considered as legal, tax, compliance, regulatory or merger and acquisition advice advice - we do not provide legal, tax, compliance, regulatory or merger and acquisition advice. Where legal, tax, compliance, regulatory or merger and acquistion considerations are relevant to work being undertaken by 11eight, it is the obligation of the Client to secure its own advice and take due consideration of the advice in its decision making.
The Client accepts all risk associated with its own decisions and indemnifies Getwebd Pty Ltd t/a 11eight (including its directors, officers, employees, contractors and sub-contractors) from any liability, loss or damage (however caused and including negligence by its directors, officers, employees, contractors and sub-contractors) ) as a result any action or decisions made by the Client that may be informed (directly or indirectly) by its engagement of 11eight.
Much of the content, articles, frameworks, tools and methodologies used and provided by 11eight during engagements, are exclusive 11eight IP. They are not to be used, copied, applied or incorporated in other frameworks, tools or methodologies either wholly or partly without the express permission of 11eight.
Any outputs provided by 11eight are for the sole use of the Client for discussion purposes only. They are not intended or suitable for any other purpose. 11eight must approve the sharing of any outputs with third parties, who in turn should recognise that the outputs are not a substitute for their own due diligence and should place no reliance on the outputs which would result in the creation of any duty or liability by 11eight to the third party.
11eight’s normal payment terms are 14 days from the provision of a valid invoice.
The use of high calibre, experienced professionals is critical to 11eight’s ability to provide superior information, insights and perspectives. As a result, 11eight engages suitably qualified professionals as contractors to support the completion of assignments. 11eight contractors have a specified contract which covers factors such as security, privacy, IP etc and are also under a NDA. The contractors:
● Are typically sole traders with their own ABN
● Are not apprentices, trainees, trades assistants or labourers
● Can undertake to have others to do some or all of the work (provided they advise 11eight) and they are responsible for the work by that person, including paying them, insurances etc
● Provide their own equipment, premises and materials
● Are engaged and paid on a client by client, job by job basis
● Are free to perform other work with other clients and not involving 11eight, and
● Are bound by confidentiality agreements to ensure our clients’ confidential information is protected
Payroll Tax, Workers Compensation Insurance and Other insurance
11eight does not meet the wage threshold that requires it to pay payroll tax.
11eight has Workers Compensation insurance.
11eight has Professional Indemnity and Broadform Liability insurance.
Copies of our insurance coverages can be requested by clients and potential clients.
All of the information on our website is published in good faith and for general information purposes only. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of the information.
Much of the content, articles, frameworks, tools and methodologies shared on the 11eight website are exclusively owned by 11eight. They are not to be used, copied, applied or incorporated in other frameworks, tools or methodologies either wholly or partly without the express permission of 11eight.
Any action you take that is based on the information you find on our website ( is strictly and completely at your own risk. 11eight will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website or its contents or any action you choose to take as a consequence of visiting
By using our website, you hereby consent to the above and you hold 1eight harmless for any loss or damage (wither incurred directly or indirectly) as a result of its use. You also agree to the use of cookies which we use both to provide you with a great experience, and to help us run our website more effectively.
11eight is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust, and accordingly maintains the following Privacy Policy regarding the personal information you provide online or by other means.
11eight requires that its clients do not provide any information or data that contains personal information about the client’s customers, suppliers, partners or other agents.
11eight will not request personal information about its clients’ customers, suppliers, partners or other agents.
Collection and Use of Information
11eight will not collect any personal information about you (such as your name, address, or telephone number) unless you provide it voluntarily. If you do not want us to have this information then please do not provide it to us.
Security & Privacy
11eight relies on its suppliers - including Google, Squarespace, Microsoft, Apple, Bitdefender, Slack, Adobe - for the security features throughout the 11eight Website (, and in its day-to-day operations, in order to prevent the unauthorized release of or access to any personal or confidential information provided to us.
Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, and despite the fact that 11eight has endeavoured to create a secure and reliable environment by using reputable suppliers, the security and confidentiality of any material transmitted to or from 11eight via the 11eight website or through the use of other communication tools (e.g., email, SMS, shared drives) or stored by 11eight (including by use of supplier services e.g. google, adobe) cannot be guaranteed.
When disclosing any personal information, you should remain mindful of the fact that it is potentially accessible, and consequently, can be collected and used by others without your consent. 11eight accepts no responsibility or liability for the security of information transmitted via the Internet or other channels.
Your Consent
11eight may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we decide to change this Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on this page. Your continued use of the 11eight website following the posting of changes to these terms will mean you accept these changes.
11eight acknowledges that while working with clients, some of the data and information provided and utilised by it may be confidential in nature. We enter into a confidentiality agreement when working with all clients. This ensures customers know we are bound by confidentiality obligations whenever they interact with us. Potential clients can contact us to request a copy of our Confidentiality Agreement.
11eights’ subcontractors are contractually obliged to take appropriate security measures such as password access, two-factor authentication on devices when they handle confidential client information. They are also required to have virus and security software on their devices.
Our preference when working with clients is to utilise clients’ shared drives for the provision and storage of data and confidential information. Where that is not possible, the client acknowledges and accepts that that 11eight relies upon its suppliers - including Google, Squarespace, Microsoft, Apple, Bitdefender - for the security features in its day-to-day operations, in order to prevent the unauthorized release of or access to any confidential information provided to us.
Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, and despite the fact that 11eight has endeavoured to create a secure and reliable environment by using reputable suppliers, the security and confidentiality of any confidential communication or confidential material transmitted to or from 11eight through the use of digital (e.g. email, SMS, shared drives) or other communication tools or stored by 11eight (including by use of supplier services e.g. google, adobe) cannot be guaranteed.
Although not required by law, 11eight has adopted a Human Rights and Modern Slavery Statement, which is outlined below.
We strive to respect and promote the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in our relationships with our employees, suppliers and partners, through our actions and policies.
As such, we expect our suppliers, partners, contractors and clients to respect these values and avoid causing or contributing to human rights infringements and modern slavery through their business actions.
Our Supply Chain
11eight has a very simple supply chain with only two main categories of supplier. The primary procurement expense is with the contractors 11eight engages from time to time to provide consulting services on behalf of 11eight. We also make small payments to subscription services that are provided by reputable companies such as google, Apple and Microsoft.
Our contractors are Australian based and/or Australian citizens. They are highly experienced, well regarded business professionals. It is rare that they draw on other labour to support their work. They are aware of human rights and modern slavery issues and undertake their activities in accordance with the UN principles.
Should you have other questions or concerns about our policies, please contact us.
We reserve the right to modify Key Engagement Terms, Policies & Disclaimer at any time.